Sunday, November 1, 2009

Belly Laughs with Nana Patsy

When Guy's parents visited us last weekend, one of the highlights was how Nana Patsy made Avery laugh. She would play games with her, make great faces and say all kinds of fun things. Avery loved it and got to practice her newest development- the belly laugh. It makes us crack up just to hear her do it. We got a short video clip of Nana telling Avery "We're going to call Auntie Melanie!" She got Avery going pretty good. At the same time, we think Avery's started teething so she's always holding onto a cold gummy toy from the fridge. Have fun watching this clip...


  1. She is starting that laugh, all right. So cute

  2. It is so amazing to look over that past 6 months and see the changes in Avery. She is so animated .
