Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Too adorable at Bath Time!

We couldn't resist posting a few more photos from a recent bath time with Avery. That frog towel is so darn fun and always makes her look adorable. (we're a bit biased!). She's almost outgrown her kitchen sink tub so we're experimenting with taking her in the shower with us. Turns out she LOVES it! Guy's pretty excited about how much she likes the water- he's very anxious to teach her to swim and take her surfing- ugh, big mommy fears :-) She also had another first this past weekend. We were up at Young Life camp Woodleaf for a leadership retreat and put her in her first bathing suit for a dip in the baby pool. She kicked her legs when Guy dipped down with her to her waist- very exciting! I have pictures on my phone and will post them when I figure out how to get them to my computer!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Visit from Auntie Michelle and Uncle Casey!

This past weekend my sister Michelle and her husband Casey visited San Francisco to enjoy the city and see an Oakland Raiders game. Guy, Avery and I were out of town for part of the weekend but made it back in time to meet Michelle and Casey for brunch at their hotel in SF. It was great seeing them and so fun for Avery to reconnect with her Aunt and Uncle! Check out how excited they were to spend some quality time with Ms Avery! (we didn't even plan for Avery to be color coordinated with their Oakland fan black/white/grey!)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bath Time!

Bath time has become a favorite and special time for Guy and I with Avery. Even though the doctor says she doesn't need a bath every single day, we love to make bath time a part of her bedtime routine. She seems to love the water and it's precious when she stares up at Guy as he washes her hair. Avery's definitely growing a lot as her legs now hang out the end of the bathtub we use that fits in the kitchen sink. We love this tub so much because it fits well, but now that Avery's legs are practically touching the counter we realize we need to upgrade! She's such a love- check out these darling photos from the other night. She loves her daddy so much!

Avery also had her 4 month doctor appt this past week (she's already 4.5 months!) The appt went well. Avery is now 23.5 inches and weighs 13 lb 3 oz. She's still really long and lean (definitely my main contribution) and healthy. We think she also has a really high tolerance for pain because she got another immunization shot- which I was dreading- and she didn't even cry! It was truly amazing. The nurse asked me to hold her arm and chest while she cleaned and administered the shot into her leg. I was trying to look cheerful for Avery, but wanted to cry. Avery just stared at me and then the nurse said "All done!" I swear Avery's face never changed so I asked the nurse if she really gave her the shot. I made her double-check- it was so weird! Avery's amazing!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meeting YLSF friends

As many of you know, Guy and I met about 7 years ago while working with teenagers in San Francisco through Young Life. Over the first 5 years, we met some amazing kids from hard places. They had broken families, lived in a tough part of town and many of them overcame great odds. We spent countless hours with these kids over meals, fun activities and taking them to YL camp. We love and cherish these awesome kids from SF. We've stayed in touch with many of them and last night we had a reunion of sorts with whoever could come. We met, fittingly, at Round Table pizza in SF since we used to eat pizza with them ALL the time! We were thrilled to see so many kids who were once freshman in high school and are now pursuing college degrees, great jobs and families. These kids met us when Guy and I were just friends, then they saw us date, get married and start a family. What a joy and a blessing it was to introduce them to Avery for the first time. here are a few pictures of our fun reunion with friends for a lifetime!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Learning to reach out

It's been fun to track Avery's little development milestones. It seems like every day she's doing something new! The big deal lately was her rolling over on her own. Now she hardly stays on her back anymore, but she gets frustrated because she doesn't know what to do now on her tummy. One thing we hadn't seen her do much of was reach for things. She LOVES to use her legs- kick, kick, kick nonstop. Guy's thinks she's going to get a soccer scholarship to college (to UCLA he says, but that's a whole other discussion- Go Trojans!) While her legs move a ton she seems content to keep her arms by her sides. So now we put toys around and encourage her to reach out. So today she was on her tummy, surrounded by fun toys, and she reached out and grabbed the new bunny that Nana Patsy gave her. She pulled it close and it was covered in drool in seconds. That's another new thing- TONS of drool! Here are a few pics of Avery with her new bunny friend.

Oh those Accessories!

Guy is away this week in Germany (to play soccer- how lucky he is!!) so my mom is here this week to help me with Avery. It's always fun to have her here and the help is invaluable. We've been having a great time with Avery. These past few days it's been super hot so we've basically stripped Avery down to just a diaper. She loves it! So mom and I were having dinner last night and Avery was sitting nearby in her bouncy chair. I was telling mom that sometimes people ask if Avery is a boy or girl because she doesn't have much hair and unless she's decked out in pink it's hard to tell. My mom suggested I put more bows in her hair, but I've never been a huge bow person and she doesn't have any hair! We started going through some of the accessories we've been given but hadn't yet used. We got some classic pictures of her with this giant bow and then mom went to change her diaper and put some baby sunglasses on her. Too cute! I call the bow picture "Carmen Miranda" and the glasses pic "Baby Rockstar". Rock on Avery!!